Like many hard pressed sysadmins, over the years I have written a
number of applets to help me with my network management. I've collected
them together and I'm putting them on Sourceforge in the hope that they
will be useful to others. I'm sure many of these apps have been
independantly invented many times, and I'm not claiming that my versions
are better than anyone elses. However all of these apps I use on a daily
basis and they've all been tested over many years.
The apps are all command line, but because I've got fed up of scrolling
command windows up and down some of the apps accept a flag "--gui" that
makes them create a window and send the output to the window instead of
the command line. See the app source for a readme file that gives a
detailed description of the app.
The apps that might run into long filename problems are UNICODE and will
accept the \\?\ prefix to allow filenames longer than 260 characters.
This is a work in progress. See the list below for the contents
of this collection and which apps I will be adding in the future.
John Rennie
19th June 2009
Released apps
- dircomp
- Compare two directories (including all subdirectories).
- dirshowacl
- Show the ACL on a directory and all subdirectories. I know CACLs
already does this, but I find the output from CACLS almost
- dirspace
- Takes a directory as an argument and lists all the subdirectories with
the number of files and total size of each subdirectory.
- reconcile
- Replicates a source directory to a destination directory by copying new
and modified files, and deleting files in the destination that have been
deleted from the source.
- filefind
- Find a file or folder using it's name and optionally a modified date.
- filefindtext
- Search for text in a file(s). Takes wildcards and can search
subdirectories. optionally with a modified date.
- fileshowopen
- Shows files opened across the network and can optionally force any
connections closed.
- regshowacl
- Show the ACL on a registry key and subkeys.
- pop3util
- Connect to a POP3 server and list mails, delete mails etc.
- smtputil
- Connect to an SMTP server and send a test message. Shows the SMTP
protocol responses so you can see errors like relaying denied.
- ftpdir
- FTP directory listing: optionally recursive.
- getsntptime
- Set the system time from an SNTP source.
- httpgrabber
- Gets the text returned by a HTTP URL including all the headers. Useful
for debugging.
- httpserver
- Listens on any selected port (normally 80) and prints everything
received through that port to the console. Useful for debugging web
services as you can see exactly what was in the HTTP
- diskthrasher
- Disk speed tester. Everyone has written one of these that they think
best tests disk speeds. Diskthrasher has been tested on several dozen
different Dell servers and seems to correlate well with the day to day
speed of the server.
Apps yet to be released
- reggrep
- Registry search tool that uses regular expressions.
- httpget and httppost
- Get a HTTP(S) URL, optionally saving to a file. The apps differ only in
that httppost uses a POST request so you can use it to simulate a form
- ftpget and ftpput
- Get a file from or put a file to an FTP server.
- rsmutil
- Removable Storage Manager applet. Connects to RSM and displays tape
info. NB RSM isn't installed by default on Windows 2008.
- tapeutil
- Like rsmutil but it uses the Win32 tape APIs instead of the Removable
Storage Manager so it will work on 2k8 even if RSM isn't installed.